Saturday, August 04, 2007

Bipolar - The Cop-Out Disease

Okay, so today I had time to post here. I might actually post some again this week if I get more time.

The other day I was at someone's house and a commercial for "Restless Leg Syndrome" came on the television. This person started asking everyone about some other disease, a mental disorder, that people claimed to have that made them depressed or sad and blame their parents for everything they do. He said it was the cop-out disease, but he couldn't remember the name of it. I knew he was going to say what it was, because it's something I was diagnosed with a year ago.

He left the room and came back and said, "Bipolar! That's it!"

I instantly remembered when I got diagnosed. I went over to their house a little later and it came up and of course this person said, "Oh that's a bullshit disease. Everyone has that now." I asked him who he knew that had it, and of course he could only strug and say, "Well...I'm just saying is all." Yeah, that's what I thought. You have no idea what you are talking about, do you?

This person is an alcoholic that has been sober for like fifteen years. I felt like I should have said something like, "Oh, what's that disease people pretend to have, where they act like they can't decide whether or not they get drunk? Oh yeah! Alcoholism!" Now, I'm not trying to rag on people that are alcoholics, but c'mon. I mean, I would say a chemical imbalance in the brain would be more of a "disease" than alcoholism. I mean, if I catch a flu, I cannot decide not to have it anymore. That's a disease. But getting drunk too much? No matter what, you always make that dicision before you pick up the drink. That's not a disease, sorry. If it was, it would take medication or something to get rid of, not the person simply buckling down and deciding not to suffer from it anymore. You can't go to some program and tell everyone you have cancer, and then talk about it a bunch, exert your will, and then suddenly the cancer goes away.

Before I left, I was also thinking, "Oh, what's that disease where you think you know all about something that you know nothing about?"

The answer came easily enough.


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Intermittent Posting This Week

Just to let you all know, I may not be online mostly until this coming Friday, and the every-other-day-posts will resume on Friday or Saturday. In the meantime, catch up on ones you haven't read, and remember to subscribe!

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Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Just Imagine This Happened to You...


It is a nice day and you are at home relaxing. The doorbell rings, and you answer it. A cop is there, and demands you identify yourself. You tell him you don't have to, so you shut the door, as he is getting aggressive with his voice. Suddenly, he tries to kick the door in but can't so he smashes your front window, cuts his hand while trying to unlock your deadbolt, gets in and chases you down through your house, puts you in a choke-hold, and when your partner tries to call 911 the officer threatens to pepper spray them. The cop pulls out his billy club, so you run out of your house only to find nine police cars had shown up.

Neighbors are not told what is going on but told to go home. The cops then pull out tasers and threaten to taser you, so you surrender. You are handcuffed, and charged with "assaulting a government officer" because the cop cut his hand trying to break into your home. The cop says that your partner hit him while she was on the phone, but there is a recording of the call and it is obvious this didn't happen.

What did you do to deserve this? You flew a flag upside down outside, and pissed off a National Guard Staff Sergeant who happened to have an underling in the local police force. The SSgt ordered the police subordinate to "deal with (them)."

Here is the full story. Read it, and call the number at the bottom. Demand that the charges be dropped and that an apology be given.

Sheriff Van Duncan's Office: 828-250-4503

On a side-note, today is my last class ever. I'm writing this in the class, which, like all my other classes, is a joke. I never really pay attention. I spend most classes doing homework, writing, and browsing the internet. In the two years I've been at Arizona State University West, I've got all A's and B's, with only one C. My GPA is 3.6 or so. I'm not a genius...I just think most people are more stupider than I are.

I have another class that runs through the end of this week, but it is online. Right now is my last face-to-face class because in the Autumn I am doing my student teaching, and there are no classes during that last semester. I'll be teaching 730am to 3pm Mon-Fri for free. After that, on December 14th, I graduate. After a year of teaching, I'll be getting my Master's online, and then moving to teach at a college instead of the public school. Well, probably...we'll see how it goes teaching in our horrible public school system. It's funny, because if I may say so myself, I will be a better than average teacher; however, because of this I don't want to get stifled in the horrible right-winged public education system. The worse the system gets, the less good teachers want to teach in it. In other words, the worse it gets, the worse it gets. Make sense?

Anyways, bye bye school. Call that sheriff!

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Monday, July 30, 2007

The Word Fuck

What a great word. It's an adjective, a verb, and a noun. You can even make a sentence using almost nothing but this chameleon of a word. "Hey fuck, fucking fuck the fuck off you fucking fucker!" I'm sure you've all heard this or discussed it before, but it was just brought to my attention again after watching the movie "F*CK" which was made around 2003 or so. It's basically an hour and a half discussion about the word.

For instance, I'm sure you've all heard the stories about where the word comes from. What does the word FUCK mean? Where does it come from? Think of the stories you've heard about its origins. Do you want to know where it really comes from? The answer is that nobody knows. The origins of the word are lost, and all linguists know is that it had its origins a few hundred years ago. The best they can guess is that it is a word of Germanic origination that probably meant something like skewer or stab, and from there it went on to mean to have sex with (the metaphor is so plain, I'm not going to explain it).

Drew Carey made the point that he worries much more about someone who uses words like "fudge" or "darnit" when they should use the word fuck. I mean, really, what are these people hiding?

So I just thought I'd bring the word fuck into your day, and tell you all about this documentary. I hope you enjoyed the entry.

Not that I give a fuck, really, so fuck it.

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Sunday, July 29, 2007

Update on Posting Schedule

As I run two blogs, I have decided that from now on I shall alternate each day between them. My other blog, if you weren't aware, is The Atheist Bible Study. Subscribe below, and add me to whatever feed reader you use.

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